Call: 0333 400 9375
Davies Group
PO BOX 2801
Stoke on Trent
Please call us as soon as possible once you know you need to make a claim. If you call out of office hours, you can leave a message and you will be contacted the next working day.
For theft or malicious damage claims, you should notify the police as soon as you become aware of the loss or damage and request a crime reference number.
All claims should be reported within 28 days of the occurrence.
To help the claims process run as quickly as possible, it’s useful to have the following information:
Insure4Music is a trading name for Ripe Insurance Services Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Once you’ve reported a claim, you will receive a claims form to complete and return either by post or email.
Although some claims are more complex than others, we will make the process as efficient and smooth as possible. The average theft claim usually takes between 7 – 10 working days to resolve.